Japanese Days - Asakusa

04/12/2007 Tuesday.
Today we went to Asakusa. We didn't really know what to do with ourselves and after sending a parcel to someone in Moscow we decided to go there for the rest of the day. Cold and crowded but still a beautiful place to go. They have refurbished the temple complex and it looks in very good condition now. Received an e-mail from Akira san this morning and he found the site with the film on. He suggested I give a copy to his friend (Also Mr Suzuki) who owns a gallery in Tokyo and where we had a personal showing of the painting by Burliuk "Oshima" which was a remarkable  experience last time we were in Tokyo. He also suggested sending a copy to Mrs Samidu on Osagawara. She runs the cultural department on the Island and we met her when we visited the Island a few years ago. Kapitonenko who heads up the David Burliuk Foundation in the Ukraine is a different story and we will write to him and see what he says. Sent a copy to Mary Holt as Akira san suggested.

05/12/2007 Wednesday
Waiting for Kandinsky film to come on line at Amazon. They now have all the material and its just a question of time. Spent all day today going around shops. Bought a Theatre Noh tape. Things a bit slow at the moment. 


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